Academy of Integrated Science’s Carrie Hopkins named Advisor of the Month

The Academy of Integrated Science’s Carrie Hopkins has been named Advisor of the Month for February 2020 by the Virginia Tech Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The goal of the Advisor of the Month program is to recognize outstanding academic advisors based on qualities and practices that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding academic advisor, including quality information and advice, strong interpersonal communication skills, leading a “support and challenge” environment, and advocating accessibility.
The office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs interviewed Hopkins about her work art Virginia Tech. Hopkins joined Virginia Tech in the College of Science as a student support specialist in November 2014.
The Academy of Integrated Science includes such programs as Computational Modeling & Data Analytics, Nanomedicine, Nanoscience, Systems Biology, and the Integrated Science Curriculum.
Advisor of the Month is open to all undergraduate academic advisors within an academic college. Nominations may include individuals, teams, or groups. Students and faculty/staff are able to nominate an advisor. Self-nominations are also welcome. An advisor may only be nominated once an academic year.