2022 Data Science Faculty Fellows Call for Applications

The College of Science is soliciting applications for two Data Science Faculty Fellows.
These Faculty Fellowships have been established in the College of Science to enhance the national and international prominence of Virginia Tech in this field and to provide support for outstanding scholarship and/or teaching in data science or novel applications of data science within and across disciplines. The Fellowships are awarded to two faculty members for a two-year term and may be competitively renewed for, at most, one additional two-year term.
Fellows receive $10,000 each year to support funding of release time, equipment purchase, and/or travel funds to complete research related to the development of a data science method or methods, a new or novel application of data science to a scientific problem, or to complete pedagogically oriented projects that enhance the data science-related teaching expertise of the fellowship holder.
In order to be eligible, faculty must hold a tenured, tenure-track or collegiate faculty position, be conducting research and/or teaching in data science and/or its application to other disciplines, and have a strong record of advancing and/or the potential to advance Virginia Tech’s scholarship, influence and leadership in data science.
The Dean of the College of Science will appoint a small committee of faculty experts to review all applications and to share their assessment with him for consideration.
Applications are due by October 1, 2022, to Amber Robinson (hamber08@vt.edu). Questions may be directed to Associate Dean Trish Hammer (pwhammer@vt.edu).