Community Outreach
Public events & resources for community members and K-12 teachers and students
Check out our fun, educational events and resources for teachers, families, and students.
Summer Camps
Give your middle or high school student a sneak peek at college life – from residence halls to classrooms to research labs—and help them to explore different science majors and careers!
All camps are residential camps with overnight stays on the Blacksburg campus. Registration now open!
Teacher Professional Development
Earn professional development points with our FREE workshops designed for 8th-12th grade science teachers.
Summer Workshop 2025 is currently full.
Resources for K-12 teachers
Professional development workshops for secondary science teachers
Field trips: we can host a small number of student groups (grades 5-12) to participate in science-related field trips
Departments/Areas of Interest
Massey Herbarium: The Massey Herbarium is the largest herbarium in Virginia with over 115,000 specimens of vascular plant, fungi, bryophytes, and lichens.
Biological Sciences Outreach Program (SOuP)
SEEDS-Blacksburg Nature Center: A partnership between the Town of Blacksburg, the Routinely took CCF interns and guests into the field to receive hands-on experience with our research, including conducting avian surveys, nest searching, and measuring nestling hornbills in nest boxes.
Fun and flashy chemistry demonstrations
Youth Exploring Science (YES) Day camp
Fossil Unwrapping Party
GeoFair and Mineral Sale
Public lectures
Demos & hands-on activities
Blacksburg Math Circle
Math competitions
Teacher professional development workshop
Physics and Astronomy
Nicholas R. Anderson Observatory
Physics demonstrations and hands-on activities
VT Autism Clinic and Center for Autism Research
The Psychological Services Center