Physics Scholarships
Robert Lee Bowden, Jr. Essay Prize
In today's world, writing and communication skills for science students are becoming ever more critical. Almost all career paths require effective communication with non-technical audiences and the general public. In 2008, the Bowden Prize was established in order to encourage and reward excellent science writing.
H. Y. Loh Award
This award is given annually to one or more graduating seniors in Physics who exemplify excellence in scholarship. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Hugh D. Ussery Scholarship
This scholarhsip is given annually to a rising junior Physics major who exemplifies excellence in scholarhsip and promise for a rewarding career in Physics. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics mjors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Robert P. Hamilton Prize
This prize is given annually to a rising senior who exemplifies excellence in the achievement of high personal and scholarship standards and promise for a career in Physics. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Daniel C. and Delia F. Grant Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is given (1) to an incoming freshman with preference for a national merit scholarship, which is renewable for three more years if the awardee is a national merit scholar and maintains the minimum of 3.5 GPA, and (2) to an outstanding rising junior or senior, if the second scholarship is not already awarded to a continuing merit scholar. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Alice Estes Martin Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a qualified physics major who is committed to teaching physics in secondary education. The recipient must be a rising junior or senior with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.7, and is chosen on the basis of (1) evidence of dedication to excellence in the teaching profession and (2) academic achievement. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Frank Leigh Robeson Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a Physics major who has demonstrated achievement, personal integrity, extracurricular leadership, community services, and an appreciation of Physics. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Webster and Sara Schoene Richardson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a Physics major who exemplifies excellence in scholarhsip and departmental service. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Colonel Nelson Carey Brown Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to an incoming freshman who demonstrates both academic ability (as evidence by the maintenance of at least a 3.0 grade point average) and financial need. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Robert C. Richardson Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a Physics major. Consideration for a recommendation is provided to the Scholarship Awards Committee of Department of Physics. Criteria shall be as broad as possible. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Wan-Zia Scholarship
Established by Prof. B. Schmittmann in 2012, the Wan-Zia Scholarship is endowed through generous donations from the friends and colleagues of Prof. R. K. P. Zia. Intended as a continuation of the C. H. Wan Scholarship, it is awarded to graduate and/or undergraduate students who are recognized for excellence in scholarship and active engagement in research.
Lubna Ijaz Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a major who has devoted time and effort for services that benefit the physics community. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
Ray F. Tipsword Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship is a one-time award given annually to a Ph.D. candidate whose dissertation research has been established to be in the area of Condensed-matter Physics, Optics, or Statistical Physics. No application form is necessary. All Ph.D. candidates in the area of research identified above are considered for this award.
James R. Dunn Award
This award is given to a second-year graduate student who has actively fostered a spirit of goodwill in the department and has demonstrated a deep enthusiasm for physics. No application form is necessary. All declared Physics majors meeting the above criteria will be considered for this scholarship.
William E. Hassinger Graduate Fellowship
In Spring 2006, the physics department first presented the William E. Hassinger Graduate Fellowship as one of its most recent endowments. A physics graduate in the Class of 1950, Bill has been an enthusiastic supporter of our department. This fellowship was created to encourage and support students coming from the surrounding communities, who are pursuing graduate degrees in physics.
Clayton D. Williams Graduate Fellowship in Theoretical Physics
This award was established in 2008 by Dr. Klaus Wiemer and his wife, Stella Wiemer. The late Dr. Wiemer was a proud alumnus of the College of Science, having received his Ph.D. in physics in 1969. The couple created this award in honor of Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics, Dr. Clayton D. Williams, who taught full-time at Virginia Tech from 1961 to 1996, and who was the late Dr. Wiemer's mentor. Recipients shall be, at the time of receipt of the fellowship funds, graduate students within the Department of Physics, demonstrating academic excellence and good progress towards a Ph.D. in theoretical physics.
Dr. James A. Jacobs Memorial Graduate Fellowship
The Dr. James A. Jacobs Memorial Graduate Fellowship was established in 2007 as a memorial to Dr. James A. Jacobs. Dr. Jacobs was a professor in the department from 1960-1978 and served as the department head from 1960-1973. Faculty and students who remember Dr. Jacobs and his numerous accomplishments established the award in his honor. It recognizes a graduate student who demonstrates academic excellence.