Geosciences Scholarships
Alumni Geoscience Scholarship Fund
The fund is used to support outstanding entering students to the Geoscience undergraduate program. The outstanding undergraduate students are expected to be nominated by the Undergraduate Student and Advising Committee.
Heath Robinson-Roy J. Holden Geoscience Scholarship Fund
The fund is used to support both undergraduate and graduate projects in Geosciences. Funds may be solicited for travel, analytical support, or as a monthy stipend. Students in Geosciences are encouraged to apply. A one-page research proposal, including budget justification and names of faculty advisory members is required. The deadline for this scholarship is March 1st.
Geoscience Research Presentation Awards
The fund is used to support both undergraduate and graduate projects in Geosciences. The fund must be used for travel and registration costs to attend regional or national meetings. A copy of the accepted abstract, of which the student must be senior author, and names of advisory faculty members are required. Application deadline varies; please consult advisor for deadlines.