Photo by Natalee Waters for Virginia Tech.

Microbiology focuses on the biology and roles of microscopic life forms that are active in all of our environments and daily activities. The laboratory-intensive curriculum provides knowledge on the genetics and physiology common to all microbes and allows students to explore specific interests with a broad range of advanced electives.
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. Our majors receive an education in the fundamentals of biology from the molecular scale to the global scale with a heavy emphasis on lab skills. Students take required courses in Genetics, Cell Function Biology, Microbiology, Microbial Genetics, Microbial Physiology, and Biochemistry, and then may choose elective courses. All students within the Microbiology major are required to take General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Calculus, Physics, English, and Statistics. The options within the Microbiology major offer students the opportunity to tailor their elective courses to specific aspects of Microbiology they enjoy. All students will receive a Microbiology degree upon meeting the requirements for graduation.
This major offers the most flexibility for students when choosing their electives. Students are required to complete more lab electives than is required of the Biological Sciences degree. Of the elective choices, the curriculum focuses on different subject areas, such as Food Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, and Virology, allowing students to tailor their curriculum to their interests. This major option prepares students for post-secondary graduate programs in research or health professional programs like medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. Students are also prepared to enter industry immediately following graduation in a variety of work fields including medical lab assistant and technicians, pharmaceutical sales, biosafety, and public sector.
This major is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a medical career post college. Elective options are tailored to human and cellular biology topics such as Bacteriology, Inflammation Biology, and Parasitology. Students pursuing this option typically pursue medical professional programs post college such as medical or dental school. Students also seek lab sciences research employment positions as this option places an emphasis on lab skills and undergraduate research involvement.
career paths
- Veterinary Medicine
- Medical School
- Dentistry
- Biomedical Science
- Public Health
- Clinical Laboratory Science
- Forensics
- Environmental Scientist
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Public Health
Things to note:
- Only microbiology program in the state
- Laboratory intensive curriculum
- Future of scientific classrooms
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